About Us

Come here to seethe lightning world with Janet

At Janet, we offer a wide range of product to cater to your specific needs. Our comprehensive products are designed to give benefits From build quality to 2 years of warranty, we have covered every step of the way. Our goal is to provide you with the product and support necessary to light up the world

Our Services


Our skilled technicians are trained to install lights in various settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. We ensure safe and efficient installation, adhering to industry standards and guidelines.

Light Repair and Maintenance

If you're experiencing issues with your lights, our experienced technicians can diagnose and repair the problem. Whether it's a flickering light, faulty wiring, or any other electrical issue, we provide reliable repair services to restore your lights to optimal functionality.We also offers 2 years warranty services if there is any defect in the light

Lighting Design Consultation

We understand that lighting plays a crucial role in creating the desired ambiance and functionality of a space. Our team of lighting design consultants can assist you in planning and designing the ideal lighting scheme for your home, office, or commercial establishment. We consider factors such as aesthetics, energy efficiency, and lighting requirements to create a tailored lighting design plan that meets your specific needs.

Product Selection and Sales

As a trusted company, we offer a wide range of lights to suit different applications and preferences. Our knowledgeable staff can guide you in selecting the right light products based on factors such as brightness, color temperature, and energy efficiency. We ensure that you have access to high-quality lights from reputable manufacturers, providing you with reliable and long-lasting lighting solutions.

Last but not the Least

At Janet, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive light services that meet your lighting needs. Whether it's installation, repair, retrofitting, or lighting design consultation, we strive to deliver excellence in every aspect of our service. Contact us today to discover how we can brighten up your space with our reliable and innovative light solutions.